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As a team of dynamic and passionate public speakers who walk the talk, Speak! Ventures strongly believes in empowering youths with the ability to communicate with passion and persuasion while at the same time, showing off their individual personalities. Our training pedagogy consists of the following principles:

Awareness – Helping our participants gain an awareness of their current abilities and limitations via effective evaluation and analysis. Our trainers are trained to seek out our participants’ concerns and goals and working with them throughout the course of the programme, so that there will always be an awareness between trainer and participant of where the participant stands, where they have improved and how they can perform even better. 


Another facet of awareness is focused on our participants’ mindset. Having experienced the development process ourselves, our trainers are well placed to address the negative or pessimistic that our participants may have and recalibrate their mindset to perform better. With the belief that fears are not insurmountable and  that effective communication is possible, half the battle is won.

Breakthroughs – the second stage of growth involves the breaking their limitations. Lessons are designed to be progressive and as interactive as possible so that our participants have the chance to experiment with various strategies and experience what it is like to succeed on stage.

In addition, our participants will also benefit from a series of evaluations that are given by our trainers after each round of activity. As part of training, we may also videotape participants’ performances to enable them to observe and assess their unique styles of speaking, and to review their performances for further refinement.

Conditioning – “Repetition is the skill to mastery”. Unlike others, Speak! Ventures believes in instilling lasting change via a series of drills that get our participants accustomed to the new skills taught.


Giving our participants as many opportunities to practice what they have just learnt under the guidance of our trainers is of paramount importance in our training approach.

Far from having a mechanical methodology, our activities are also designed to be fun yet challenging to engage and capture the interest of our participants.

Click here to find out what programmes we have to offer, as well as more information on why you should sign up for our programmes.

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